Good planning to increase the sales of your pharmacy

Good planning to increase the sales of your pharmacy

If you want to increase sales in your pharmacy, you need to be well aware of which stage the customer is through a sales funnel.

This funnel is important as each stage has its own requirements and the customer has specific needs and requirements.

In this article, we will explain a simplified method for the stages of the sales funnel so that you can convert temporary customers into permanent customers.

First: What is a Sales Funnel?

The Sales Funnels is a path that monitors the journey of the customer from the beginning of his knowledge of the product and his awareness of it, through his thinking about the product and comparing it with competitors until he makes the purchase decision.

The Sales Funnel monitors the customer's journey from start to finish with everything occurs in customer mind.

Your knowledge and analysis of the stages of the sales path constantly and accurately makes you constantly aware of the advantages and disadvantages of your service and what stage the customer stands at and does not continue and turn to another competitor, and then you will improve your service.

Second: What are the stages of the sales funnel?

The first stage: Awareness:

At this stage, you make your new customers to know about your products and the needs that you provide to them, the services provided by your pharmacy and the advantages that push them to order through you and deal with you.

At this stage, you have to make sufficient advertisements on the ground and on the Internet, to be appropriate advertisements for the behavior of your target customer according to your understanding of the nature of his behavior.

Your ad must be attractive and attractive and direct the customer to the next stage.

The second stage: Conversion:

At this stage, you motivate your audience who is interested in the products after educating them in order to create a purchase intention for them. You can motivate them with offers or a free trial, such as free delivery of their medicines and others.

The third stage: the intent contract:

The client is now somewhat satisfied with you and is starting to look at it intently and listen to you.

The fourth stage: Decision and Evaluation:

Now he decided to make the purchase, but now several comparisons and preferences are running through his mind.

Does he order from you or from other the pharmacy nearby?

Is it basically required or not?

How much does he need the product and service offered?

The answer to that depends entirely on the type of message you send him and the trigger you send and offer to him.

The fifth stage: Purchase:

At this stage, the customer has already purchased the product from you and your task has succeeded, but the matter did not end here, it now depends on the quality of your service.

Will you be able to keep the customer as a permanent customer or ensure their loyalty to your product?

Will you be able to deal with your pharmacy again for offers and services?

If someone asked the customer about a pharmacy or medical service, would he nominate your pharmacy or not?

It depends on the customer's impression of you, the employees' interaction with him, and the after-sales service.

Third: Why do we always need the Sales Funnel?

  • So that we can make the largest number of customers know about the pharmacy brand.
  • So that we can transfer as many customers as possible from the awareness stage to the decision-making stage.
  • Let's convert first-time customers into permanent customers.

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