How to buy on platform?

How to creat a pharmacy trading account?

If you were a pharmacy owner or manager and looking to increase your profits, our platform is a new beginning to achieve your goals, It allows you to simply register a pharmacy trading account in just 3 steps.

1. You access the website link, then choose a commercial account, then choose a pharmacy account, and enter the required data.

2. By accessing your email, that you have registered on the platform, you will receive a message from our platform open it then press on "click here to verify".

3. Enter the commercial register image, the tax card photo, and the pharmacy license photo, and the number of each document of them.

Then wait the message "your account has been verified" so you have registered on our platform successfully which allow you to order and enjoy a lot of offers, features and motivational points program designed to make your goals.



How to creat special account?

In case to start ordering from our platform, you have to create private account in just 3 steps as follows:

1. Access the website link, choose a business account, then a private account and enter the required data.

2. Through the email that you registered on our website you will receive an email from our platform, open it and then click on the message, "click here to verify"

3. Enter your national number ID card & your functional card then enter the number of each document.

Then wait to the message “your account has been verified” that mean you registered successfully on the site, which will allow you to order from our platform simply and enjoy the offers, services and motivational points program provided to you.