Pharmacist Pioneer Community. Why?
Jul 03 - 2022
Zinc is an important element that plays a vital role in many functions and supports and strengthens the immune system. It is also important in wound healing, increased fertility, and the growth and development of children.
Any decrease in zinc levels can lead to an increase in a person's risk of disease. In addition to supporting the immune system, zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA.
Zinc is found naturally in many foods such as: beans, meat, and fish, and it is also available as a dietary supplement.
In this article, we will learn about the importance of zinc for the body and its drug interactions.
8 benefits of zinc:
Zinc plays vital role in:
Strength your immunity:
Where zinc contributes to the activation of T-lymphocytes, which in turn, control and regulate the body's immune response, attacking cancerous and infected cells.
Wound healing
People with long wounds or ulcers often have low levels of zinc, so giving zinc supplements to people with chronic wounds may help heal, and research has indicated that zinc plays a major and essential role in every stage of wound healing, from repair skin and prevent infections.
Sex health
Zinc is essential for male sexual health, due to zinc's role as an antioxidant and hormone balancer.
Low levels of zinc may lead to delayed sexual development, fertility problems, and problems with male sexual health.
There is some evidence that zinc may help treat certain skin conditions such as:
Skin infections
Improve memory and raising learning abilities
Zinc plays an important role in regulating nerve communication between them, which makes it an influential role in shaping human memory and raising learning abilities.
Reducing the duration of the cold:
Zinc intake reduces the duration and severity of colds, if taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.
Diarrhea treatment
Research and studies have shown that zinc intake can help treat diarrhea and prevent it later.
Nerve treatment
Zinc has been discovered to play a major role in treating nerve problems.
Zinc interactions
With the importance of zinc as well as the role of zinc supplements in supporting general health, it has been discovered that zinc interacts with some other medications. Possible interactions between zinc supplements and medications include:
Medicines affected by zinc
Interaction of zinc with antibiotics:
There is an interaction between zinc with some antibiotics, which are tetracyclines and quinolones, where zinc can affect the ability of these antibiotics to fight bacteria and zinc reduces the body’s absorption of these drugs, so we recommend separating antibiotics and zinc supplements between two hours to four hours.
Zinc interaction with one of the arthritis medications:
Zinc interferes with the arthritis medication Penicillamine. Zinc may reduce the ability of penicillamine to relieve symptoms of arthritis.
Therefore, you should advise the patient to take zinc at least two hours before or two hours after taking penicillamine.
Medicines that affect zinc
Interaction of zinc with diuretics:
Zinc and its supplements interact with one of the popular blood pressure medications and diuretics, thiazides. Thiazides increase the amount of zinc lost in the urine.
Zinc interaction with one of the pressure medications:
There is an interaction between zinc and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, a family of high blood pressure medications that can lower zinc levels in the blood.
Medicines that never use with zinc
Immunosuppressive drugs such as cortisone:
Zinc interferes with immunosuppressive drugs inversely, because zinc works to strengthen the immune system, while the goal of cortisone is to suppress immunity.
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