Pharmacist Pioneer Community. Why?
Jul 03 - 2022
Who is not disturbed by the blurred vision for no apparent reason and by the sudden unjustified eye irritation?
Dry eyes is one of the most widespread eye problems in the world, where most of the world's population suffers from it. Multiple causes and the result is always the same, this occurs either as a result of repeated exposure to pollutants due to the control of the industrial environment in many countries, or as a result to the excessive use of smart devices for long periods of time. As social media have become an integral part of our lives and our way of communicating quickly and effectively, especially since the beginning of COVID-19 crisis, where many have resorted to smart devices to follow what is happening in the world and try to continue life in a way more like normal, and many more environmental and systemic causes....
In this article, we will talk in detail about:
1. What is dry eyes?
2. Factors causing dry eyes.
3. Signs and symptoms of dry eyes.
4. Treatment of dry eyes.
5. Ways to prevent dry eyes.
Dry eye syndrome occurs because of insufficient tears in the eye, or due to the poor quality tears produced which are not able to lubricate the eye adequately. In other cases, the cause might be the rapid drying of tears due to a defect in the process of their formation, which causes pain, discomfort and the urgent desire to scratch the eyes continuously.
Tears consist of a mixture of water, oils, and mucus, which helps to lubricate and purify the surface of the eye, and protect it from infection, so any disruption in their production foreshadows complications that may occur in the absence of treatment.
2. Factors causing dry eyes: -
Dry eyes can occur for several reasons, including:
Exposure to pollutants
Exposure to dust, dust fumes and direct sunlight for long periods affects the quality of tears and their components, all because of dry air that leads to the evaporation of tears from the eye, making them unable to moisturize the eye adequately.
TV screens and mobile phones
Spending long hours in front of television screens and mobile phones leads to a lack of production of tears, dry eyes, extreme fatigue and poor vision by dependency.
A 2014 study in Japan found that people who spend hours on computers and smartphone screens have less mucus in their tears, resulting in low-quality tears.
Many medications cause a lack of tear production and dry eyes such as:
Smoking and secondhand smoke
Excessive smoking affects the cornea of the eye and the quality of tears, which may cause cataract formation later. A study conducted by The University of Banskent found that tobacco smoke breaks the fatty layer of tears that form as a film on the eye, leading to symptoms of dry eyes and often the effects extend beyond the smoker to those around him through second-hand smoking.
Dry eye syndrome can occur at any age, but it becomes more common in later life, especially after the age of 50, as a result of other diseases such as diabetes and rheumatism, which worsens dry eyes, and women are more likely to be at risk of dry eyes after menopause than men of the same age.
Women are most likely to develop dry eyes as a result of hormonal changes, as well as the incorrect use of makeup, such as the use of eye makeup for long periods and in large quantities, which affects eye health in general and leads to dry eyes in particular.
Contact lenses and Lasik operations
Dry eyes caused by contact lenses occur because the thin layer of contact lenses on the cornea limits the flow of oxygen to the eyes. Without the constant flow of oxygen, the eyes struggle to form normal tears.
Lasik operations cut off some nerves in the cornea, reducing corneal sensitivity somewhat. As a reaction, the eyes may not feel the need for hydration, causing the body to produce less tears, leading to dry eye syndrome.
Lash extensions
Lash extensions can cause inflammation of the eyelids and the surface of the eye, in addition to the fact that long eyelashes have a fan effect, which increases the amount of airflow to the surface of the eye with each blink, resulting in faster dry eyes, irritation, and damage to the surface of the eye.
Failure to drink water regularly and in sufficient quantities (3 to 4 liters per day) affects eye health, the quality and quantity of tears, as tears need sufficient water to maintain the efficiency of their manufacture.
Dry eyes due to malnutrition and vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of severe dry eyes.
A balanced diet plays an essential role in the treatment and prevention of dry eyes, as the diet should include:
Some medical conditions
Some systemic diseases are attributed to dry eyes, such as:
Dry eyes and COVID-19
Although COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory disease, one study conducted in China found that among children diagnosed with COVID-19, their symptoms included symptoms of eye inflammation, dryness and the urge to itch.
There are no studies yet that have identified the mechanism of damage, but eye symptoms are present among 4% to 31% of infected people and should not be ignored, especially since the eye is an organ through which the virus may enter the body.
Dry eye symptoms are many, the most famous of which are:
4. Treatment of dry eyes: -
For most people with occasional or mild dry eye symptoms, it is sufficient to use over-the-counter eye drops (artificial tears) regularly, and if the symptoms are persistent and more severe, a specialist should be consulted.
Dry eye drops
They are a various and many (Artificial tears, Anti-inflammatories) and their purpose is either to compensate for the loss of tears in the eye with quality artificial tears to re-lubricate the eye and eyelid, or to treat the inflammation that causes dry eyes, or both together to reduce the previously mentioned symptoms.
They are molecules that protect cells from damage that free radicals can cause.
Free radicals are a natural product of metabolism, where free radicals have a free electron and wander in the body looking for a source from which to take this electron, whatever it is, it may be from the body's cells, which leads to damage or from antioxidants, if any is present, to become stable.
Antioxidants are found in food, especially in fruits and vegetables, and other plant foods that contain many vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which are antioxidants. With a healthy integrated diet, the body gets enough antioxidants, or they can be obtained from nutritional supplements.
'Scientific studies have proven that antioxidant tablets can improve both the stability and quantity of tears.'
Oxifree is the number one product in Egypt and the Middle East, which consists of 10 antioxidants that help raise immunity and prevent diseases:
5. Ways to prevent dry eyes: -
This article was written by an integrated medical team affiliated with Devart Lab, the leading company in the field of Nutraceuticals in Egypt and the Middle East (Nutrigenomics and Food Fortification), by providing nutrients that are fortified with minerals and vitamins that the body needs on a daily basis to obtain effective results in the least possible time. By using the latest technological technologies that ensure full absorption without any side effects.