trust between pharmacist and client

How do pharmacists communicate with different customer behavior?

The customer is the base of the pharmacy. The greater the number of customers, the greater the sales, but we cannot choose the personality and character of customers, as some of them may need a special treatment and reaction from the pharmacist.

In this article we will cover five types of different customer behavior, which can be seen in any pharmacy, and we will learn how to interact with them properly.

Who are the five types of customers?

Type 1: troublemaker

This is a very aggressive, irritable, aggressive agent who raises his voice and uses offensive language. Expect this agent:

• His method may include personal insults.

• He may be arrogant or arrogant.

• Reacts to criticism directed at him strongly.

So it makes no sense to use hostile language against him. So what to do? Patience, flexibility, and discernment will help you deal with this behavior as you can follow the following.

First: Make sure to listen to him: you must be careful to listen to him as well, let him empty his stomach and do not argue with him or criticize him, be listening and patient.

Second: Entering into a dialogue with him: The next step, enter into a dialogue with him. after the customer talks about his opinion, show him that you respect the point of view on this problem.

Third: Control the situation: Present the customer with a gift and offer him expressions that express your appreciation for his person and his anger. This will calm him, save his nerves, and make a sale.

The second type: unknowing customer

These customers usually don't know what they want, they are friendly and often very nice.

Interacting with these customers is a challenge because they can’t choose the right product, the customer remains confused and finally leaves without buying anything, have you met this customer before? what's the problem?

The main challenge with the customer is the problem of choice because there is a very wide range of products, and this is exactly what you should focus on when working with such visitors:

Question them to determine what they want.

reduce the number of medicine offered to the consumer (2 or 3 options are sufficient to simplify the selection process).

Present the required product in the right way, while clarifying the customer's benefits.

The third type: Customer that knows everything

Such a client can be recognized by the first phrase:

"I've been taking this drug for 15 years, and I know everything about it"

These people, once they give them a sense of appreciation and respect behind this behavior, will instantly become a nice person.

All you have to do is show admiration for their knowledge as you guide them to the purchase Example:

"I like your experience"

"You're so good at medicine, that's commendable."

“It is my pleasure to communicate with you, let me give you a small gift (give him for example a sample of the cream).”

Fourth type: speakers

This customer comes to the pharmacy to talk, he is a friendly and sociable person.

It is good to talk to them but unfortunately pharmacists do not always have time for such conversations.

How do you deal with this customer?

Continue the dialogue, smile, but adhere to the ethics of the profession and try to get to the heart of the matter and make the dialogue move to talk about his illness.

The fifth type: the squat

The exact opposite of the previous type, this customer is usually unfriendly and reserved, and goes to the pharmacy to buy something and not to chat.

This customer is a challenge because they don't say everything they need quickly.

This client is likely to look at the pharmacy silently and shyly for a long time, trying to find the necessary product himself, if he finds what he was looking for, he will definitely ask to buy it, he does it to reduce the time of talking with the pharmacist.

How do you deal with this customer?

First: Don't be quick: Give the customer 2-3 minutes to look at the pharmacy, then offer your help carefully with phrases such as:

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask!"; "How can I help you?"

Second: Take the initiative to help: as soon as the customer comes to you with a question, inform them of the necessary medication and tell them about it in detail.

Third: Be friendly: If you find a client who is shy or reclusive, try not to quick him.

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