Pharmacist Pioneer Community. Why?
Jul 03 - 2022
Parents always complain about their children's constant illness, especially throughout fall and winter seasons, due to the many and sudden climatic changes. Once the children recover from one disease, another one follows, which causes a constant and increasing concern for their health, being usually sick throughout the year.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, that concern increased, due to their weak immunity compared to adults, and their constant illness with the simplest infections that we know and pass through annually, such as (influenza and common colds). So what about a new virus that we do not know, and we are just exploring it for the first time, hoping to discover a treatment that protects our dear ones.
Are recurrent infections in children a normal thing?
What are the means available to strengthen their immunity?
This is what we will talk about in today's article:
1- Weakened immunity in children.
2. What are the signs and symptoms of weakened immunity in children?
3. What are the causes of weakened immunity in children?
4. Tips to strengthen the immune system in children.
The immune system is essential for the survival of the human race, for without it we would be an easy target for bacteria, viruses and parasites, it keeps us healthy amid an endless array of pathogens.
More than 1600 genes participate in the formation of the two types of immunity: Innate and acquired, so that children are born with a diverse immune system that contains a set of proteins, cells, tissues, and organs in preparation for facing the external environment. Babies are also born with a set of ready-made immune bodies that they get from the mother during pregnancy, which are sufficient for them in the first few months. As the journey of recurrent diseases begins and children suffer from coughing, runny nose, diarrhea, constipation and bloating, it is a bumpy journey that begins intensely at young ages and gradually decreases growing up, why??
Because it is the journey of the immune system and its independence from the mother after the depletion of antibody stocks. The journey of acquiring knowledge of the surrounding organisms and building the necessary defense forces. A journey that lasts at least 10 years until it develops satisfactorily that it can provide a healthy life, and the development and adaptation continues forever with every new infection.
The term 'weakened immune system' is used when the immune system is unable to perform its functions in combating germs, infectious diseases, and corrupt cells that may become cancerous, and here the child is exposed to repeated and successive infections as it used to happen before, but in a more severe way because he is an easy target for 'opportunistic infections' where bacteria, viruses, fungi and all disease-causing organisms take advantage of a weak immune system.
The lack of immunity is divided into two types:
Babies are usually born with it as a result of genetic disorders, and in some cases the cause remains vague.
Primary immunodeficiency affects the way the immune system works, and this is evident during infancy or early childhood. However, some disorders may not be detected until adulthood, although they are present from birth.
It is the most common type that occurs in a later stage of life due to many causes, such as: viral infection, malnutrition, diabetes, kidney disease, and some types of medications (antibiotics, steroids).
2 -What are the signs and symptoms of weakened immunity in children?
The problem of weak immunity in children is one of the most serious health problems that they are exposed to, as they are always susceptible to many diseases that occur with much more severe signs and symptoms, such as:
3 - What are the causes of weakened immunity in children?
Children develop weak immunity for several reasons:
The child depends mainly on the mother’s immunity, as the antibodies are transmitted from the mother to the child through the placenta during the third trimester of pregnancy, which gives him some protection when he is born. If the mother's immunity is strong, the child will have strong immunity and effective antibodies and vice versa.
If one of the parents suffers from immune disorders, autoimmune diseases, or primary immunodeficiency, this can be transmitted to the child through genes. For example, a genetic defect may prevent certain cells from defending the body, and another may stop the removal of toxic chemicals from the body.
After the birth of the child, breastfeeding plays a fundamental role in his immunity, as breast milk contains proteins, enzymes, antibodies, hormones, vitamins and minerals important to support growth in general, and the growth of the immune system and improvement of its functions in particular, so formulas can affect the child's immunity. It lacks most of these ingredients.
Lack of attention to diet and for providing the necessary vitamins and minerals (iron, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, B complex vitamins, etc.) in food or through nutritional supplements weakens the development of the immune system and its resistance against diseases due to the lack of materials that support its work.
Recurrent infections have been associated with iron deficiency in 40% of anemic children. Research and studies have shown that iron is essential for the normal development of the immune system and is necessary for the manufacturing of immune cells and for obtaining an adequate immune response upon exposure to infection.
Lack of sleep debilitates the immune system and the manufacture of proteins and anti-inflammatories, in addition to its effect on the immune system’s sensitivity towards an infection, as it may not respond towards infection or respond weakly compared to the severity of the disease.
The most famous of them are Antibiotics that are used without a prescription to treat any disease without making sure that it is bacterial and suitable for the type of bacteria that causes the disease. What the wrong use does is that it weakens the body’s immunity by killing the beneficial bacteria and giving the opportunistic ones the opportunity to grow and develop.
4 -Tips to strengthen the immune system in children
Colostrum in breast milk is considered the gold standard in building a child's immunity. Studies have shown that babies who are breastfed for at least six months have a better developed immune system and are less prone to infections and allergies.
Keep the vaccination schedule as recommended by the pediatrician and make sure that the child gets the required shots at the specified time.
Most children need between 10 to 14 hours of continuous sleep, to enjoy the vitality necessary to keep the infection away, to help your child to relax and sleep, give him a warm bath and sit with him until he falls asleep.
Good hygiene keeps germs and infections away. Emphasize simple basics such as washing hands after playing, before and after meals, and after using the toilet, until they become a habit.
The toxins in cigarette smoke can kill healthy cells, including immune cells. Children breathe at a faster rate than adults do, so they can inhale more smoke exposing more of their cells to destruction by the smoke.
Antibiotics often eliminate the good bacteria along with the harmful ones, which harms the body's immunity.
Encourage your baby to eat healthy foods by offering fruits and vegetables of all colors as soon as he reaches the age of 6 months:
Children usually refuse to eat beneficial foods, which may expose them to malnutrition, especially since most vegetables and fruits enhance the performance of the immune system, so you may need to include some nutritional supplements and important vitamins and minerals to support their health while making sure to choose a palatable supplement for them to accept.
Pediatricians recommend Vitabella
The first therapeutic chocolate in Egypt and the Middle East, you will not suffer from your child's refusal to eat and take medications again, a spoonful of Vitabella chocolate contains all the vitamins and minerals needed to support his growth, enhance his appetite and increase the efficiency of his immune system:
Vitabella dosage for children:
Age |
1-4- years |
Older than 4 years |
Daily requirement |
1 tablespoon/day |
2 tablespoons/day |
*This article was written by an integrated medical team affiliated with Devart Lab, the leading company in the field of Nutraceuticals in Egypt and the Middle East (Nutrigenomics and Food Fortification), by providing nutrients that are fortified with minerals and vitamins that the body needs on a daily basis to obtain effective results in the least possible time. By using, the latest Pharmaceutical technologies that ensure full absorption without any side effects.